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Operations Management - Introduction to Operations Management

Productions/Operations Management Problems

   Posted On :  22.06.2018 06:10 am

POM is a functional field of business with clear line management responsibilities.

Productions/Operations Management Problems
POM is a functional field of business with clear line management responsibilities. Problems of management in the production/operations function basically concerns two types of decision:
Those relating to the design or establishment of the production/operations system.
i.        Those relating to the operation, performance and running of the production/operations system.
Problems in the design of production/operations system are as follows:
i.        Design/specification of goods/service,
ii.      Location of facilities,
iii.    Layout of facilities/resources and materials handling,
iv.    Determination of capacity/capability,
 v.      Design of works or jobs,
vi.    Involvement in determination of remuneration system and work standards.
Problems in the operation of system are:
i.        Planning and scheduling of activities,
ii.      Inventory (Stock) control,
iii.    Quality control,
iv.    Maintenance and replacement,
v.      Involvement in performance measurement.
Every business organization will embrace these problems areas to a greater or lesser extent. The relative emphasis will differ between companies and industries, and also over a period of time. Problems in the first section are of long term nature and will assume considerable importance at only infrequent intervals. Problems in the second section will be of a resurring nature, i.e. they are of short term nature.
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