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MARKETING MANAGEMENT - Introduction to Marketing

Functions of Marketing - Introduction to Marketing

   Posted On :  15.06.2018 07:16 am

Firms must spend money to create time, place and ownership utilities as discussed earlier.

Functions of Marketing

Firms must spend money to create time, place and ownership utilities as discussed earlier. Several studies have been made to measure marketing costs in relation to overall product costs and service costs and most estimates have ranged between 40-60 percent. These costs are not associated with raw materials or any of the other production functions necessary for creating form utility. What then does the consumer receive in return for this proportion of marketing cost? This question is answered by understanding the functions performed by marketing.

In the following table, marketing is responsible for the performance of 8 universal functions: buying, selling, transporting, storing, standardizing and grading, financing, risk taking and securing marketing information. Some functions are performed by manufacturers, others by marketing intermediaries like wholesalers and retailers. Buying and selling, the first two functions represent exchange functions. Transporting and storing are physical distribution functions. The final four marketing functions – standardizing and grading, financing, risk taking and securing market information – are often called facilitating functions because they assist the marketer in performing the exchange and physical distribution functions.

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