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Human Resources Management - An Overview

People management - HRM - An Overview

   Posted On :  30.05.2018 08:10 am

Men or personnel should be managed properly and effectively in any organization and at the macro level, in the national level.

People management
Men or personnel should be managed properly and effectively in any organization and at the macro level, in the national level.

Men have some inherent qualities.

1. Want job and work
2. Have inherent like for the work
3. Are liable to likes and dislikes
4. Require motivation and training
5. Given an opportunity everyone would rise up to the occasion
6. Their welfare and safety measure is a concern of the state
7. Every opportunity for advancement and knowledge should be provided
8. They should be guided but their liberties should not be curbed
9. They should be chosen to the right job and right place
10. They need adequate salary, perquisites and comforts.

Managing people is an art. A wrong handling may lead to conflicts. A dis-satisfied worker may absent himself or quit. Labour absenteeism and labour turnover are costly to the organization.
Organization does not represent assets and money alone. Every organization is a social institution. They have a responsibility to their employees, society and the government which gives protection and infra-structure.
The core of any organization is its people represented by workers. It has as much responsibility to them as they have to the shareholders. This art of managing men and women in organization has led to the birth and development of HRM.

People Management – Indian Scenario

In the 50’s there was a strong belief that employees were recruited not to question ‘why’ but only ‘to do and die’. In the 60s, terms like manpower, staff and personnel came to be used and instead of controlling the employees, it became more and more acceptable to manage personnel as it was felt that the productivity of the workers could be improved, if they were organized for the work. While hierarchy, status, authority, responsibility and accountability are structural concepts, in the Indian context, emotions, feelings, empathetic perceptions, impressions influenced people more than anything else.
The Indian organizations are experiencing some, transitions and changes. The work force of the 50’s and 60’s has retired. The middle level is now at the top with the hangover of all middle class values. The new generations of MBAs are pouring into industrial organizations. Young executives in their mid 30s are heading HRD/HRM divisions in big companies. Moreover due to very great strides in information technology, there is a need to manage this tradition and give a direction to this change process. The HRM strategies in India in the 21st century are focusing on individual organization interface and greater emphasis on organizational effectiveness than on personal success.

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