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Human Resources Management - Collective Bargaining

Meaning, Definition and Concept - Collective Bargaining

   Posted On :  14.06.2018 09:52 pm

Collective bargaining takes place when a number of work people enter into a negotiation as a bargaining unit with an employer or group of employers with the object of reaching an agreement on the conditions of the employment of the work people.

Meaning and Definition

Collective bargaining takes place when a number of work people enter into a negotiation as a bargaining unit with an employer or group of employers with the object of reaching an agreement on the conditions of the employment of the work people.
Collective bargaining is probably the most effective method of resolving industrial disputes. It occurs when representatives of a labour union meet management representatives to determine employee’s wages and benefits, to create or revise work rules, and to resolve disputes or violations of the labour contract.
The bargaining is collective in the sense that the chosen representative of the employees (i.e. the union) acts as a bargaining agent for all the employees in carrying out negotiations and dealings with the management.

Effectively, collective bargaining is a managerial tool that facilitates an amicable and mutually acceptable agreement between the management and the employees, to solve all employment – related problems. In some cases, third-party intervention might be necessary to resolve these matters.

1. Collective bargaining constitutes the negotiations between the management and the union with the ultimate objective of settlement of the disputed issues.

2. Collective bargaining is basically a give and take process involving proposals and counter proposals.

3. Meetings between management representatives and union leaders are conducted in an attempt to arrive at an agreement or at the settlement of the dispute.

4. The two parties bargain with each other on disputed issues to arrive at an agreement.

5. The agreement is signed by both the parties and the length of time the treaty will operate may be specified.

6. Collective bargaining introduces an element of democracy in the field of Industrial Relations and Management. 

7. Collective bargaining imposes certain restrictions upon the employer. Unilateral action is prevented. The employer is no longer free to make and enforce employment decisions.
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