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Human Resources Management - Managing Conflict

Without state intervention - Managing Conflict

   Posted On :  14.06.2018 09:21 pm

Collective bargaining constitutes the negotiations between the management and the union with the ultimate objective of agreeing on a written contract covering the terms and conditions of settlement of the disputed issues.

Without state intervention

Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining constitutes the negotiations between the management and the union with the ultimate objective of agreeing on a written contract covering the terms and conditions of settlement of the disputed issues. Both the parties sign the agreement and the length of time the treaty will operate may be specified.

Voluntary Arbitration

1. In this method of settling disputes, a third neutral party acts as a judge (to take decision on the disputed issue), hears and collects the facts from the two primary parties and proceed to make a decision which is usually binding upon the union i.e., one primary party and the management (i.e. the second primary party)

2. Many industrial disputes have been and are being settled today through voluntary arbitration.

3. The industrial Disputes Act 1947 recognizes voluntary arbitration as a method for settling industrial Disputes.

Code of Discipline

The code of discipline defines duties and responsibilities of employers and workers. The code lays down specific obligations for the management and the worker with objective of promoting constructive co-operation between their representatives at all levels, avoiding stoppages as well as litigation, securing settlement of grievances by mutual negotiation, conciliation and voluntary arbitration.

The objectives of the code are:

1. To ensure that employers and employees recognize each other’s rights and obligations

2. To promote constructive co-operation between the parties concerned at all levels.

3. To secure settlement of disputes and grievances by negotiation, conciliation, and voluntary arbitration

4. To eliminate all forms of coercion, intimidation, and violence in IR

5. To avoid work stoppages

6. To facilitate the free growth of trade unions and

7. To maintain discipline in industry
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