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Business Environment and Law-Infrastructure Of The Economy

Education, Science And Technology- Infrastructure Of The Economy

   Posted On :  04.05.2018 06:24 am

Science and technology are ideas and the means with which man seeks to change his environment.

Education, Science And Technology
Science and technology are ideas and the means with which man seeks to change his environment. While science represents “accumulation of knowledge”, technology represents “refinement in tools”. Over last two hundred years or so, science and technology have helped to improve the quality of human life. For rapid economic progress, the application of science and technology (S and T) to agriculture, industry, transports and to all other economic and non-economic activities has become essential.
Jawaharlal nehru believed in the spread of science of scientific temper. He was responsible for the setting up of a chain of national laboratories devoted to basic and applied research which develops indigenous technology and processes and helps industrial enterprises in solving their technological problems. The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) as well as the department of atomic energy was set up. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) was strengthened. The department of space technology, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) etc., Arrived later. In 1958 the science policy resolution was adopted to provide positive incentives for the development and utilization of s and t in nation building activities. The major aims of this policy were:
            To foster, promote and sustain by appropriate means the cultivation in science and scientific research in all its aspects – pure, applied and educational
            To ensure an adequate supply within the country of research scientists of higher quality and recognize their work as an important component of the strength of the nation
            To encourage and initiate with all possible speed programmes for training of scientific and technical personnel on a scale adequate to fulfill the country’s needs in regard to scientific and education, agriculture, industry and defence
            To ensure for the people of the country all the benefits that can accrue from the acquisition and application of scientific knowledge.
The indian government has been giving special support to s and t since independence and the large network of national laboratories and universities have been training a strong cadre of scientists, engineers, technologists, etc. Public and private sector organizations have established over 600 in-house research and development (R&D) laboratories to meet their internal technological requirements. The rapid growth of engineering consultancy organizations to provide design and consultancy services and act, as the bridge between research institutions and industry, is really commendable. India’s stock of technical man-power has been growing at the rate of about 9 percent per year for the last 20 years and is now estimated to be about 2.5 Million. After usa, india today ranks second in the world as regards qualified science and technology man-power.

Science and technology (S&T) has made a phenomenal impact over the world in shaping the lifestyle of the common man. If india has to really forge ahead in the coming decade, s&t must play a pivotal role in all the important tasks that lie ahead of us. Hence, the deployment of S&T as an effective instrument of growth and change becomes an imperative strategy. In order to derive maximum output from meager resources, s&t and the associated methodology must be brought into the main theme of economic planning in the agricultural, industrial and services sectors.

Measures To Promote Science & Technology

Following are the measures necessary to promote science & technology

Education For The Knowledge Economy

Producing knowledge intensive, technologically sophisticated, higher value goods and services are not possible without a trained management cadre and labour force with the appropriate mix of technical and vocational skills. Among other things, this requires:
            Scientists with the skills needed to conduct appropriate R&D
            Engineers and skilled craftsmen to evaluate technology and adopt it for use in the enterprise,
            Skilled technicians who will actually utilize the technology in the production process
Vocational, secondary and tertiary education must all contribute to turning out graduates with the necessary skills. Moreover, since the skills required by today’s labour market may not be the same as those that will be required in the future, a process of life long learning must be built into the education system. And at all levels and life-cycle stages, the education system must work with the private sector to understand and respond to its needs.


Tags : Business Environment and Law-Infrastructure Of The Economy
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