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MBA (General) - IV Semester, Information Technology and E-Business, Unit 2.1

Define Metadata, Indexes and Applications Metadata

   Posted On :  07.11.2021 06:05 am

Recall that a database is self describing


Recall that a database is self describing

Metadata Data about data

Data that describe how user data are stored in terms of table name, column name, data type, length, primary keys, etc.

Metadata are typically stored in System tables or System Catalog and are typically only directly accessible by the DBMS or by the system administrator.

Have a look at the Database Documentor feature of MS Access (under the tools menu, choose Analyze and then Documentor).

This tool queries the system tables to give all kinds of Metadata for tables, etc. in an MS Access database.


In keeping with our desire to provide users with several different views of data, indexes provide an alternate means of accessing user data. Sorting and Searching

An index for our new banking example might include the account numbers in a sorted order.

Indexes allow the database to access a record without having to search through the entire table.

Updating data requires an extra step The index must also be updated.

Example Index in a book consists of two things

A Keyword stored in order to point to the rest of the information.

In the case of the book, the pointer is a page number.

Applications Metadata

Many DBMS have storage facilities for forms, reports, queries and other application components.

Applications Metadata is accessed via the database development programs.

Example Look at the Documenter tool in MS Access. It can also show metadata for Queries, Forms, Reports, etc.

Tags : MBA (General) - IV Semester, Information Technology and E-Business, Unit 2.1
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